TypeScript Generics: Creating Reusable Components

TypeScript generics are a powerful way to create reusable components that can work with a variety of data types. In this article, we'll learn what generics are and how to use them to create flexible and reusable code.

What are TypeScript Generics?

Generics are a way to create components that can work with a variety of data types, without having to specify the data type until the component is used. This allows you to create a single component that can be used with different data types, without having to create a separate version of the component for each data type.

For example, consider a simple function that takes an array of items and returns the first item in the array:

function firstItem(items: any[]): any {
return items[0];

The firstItem function above works with any array of items, but it has a couple of drawbacks. Firstly, the function returns the data type any, which means it doesn't provide any type checking or type safety. Secondly, the function doesn't provide any information about the type of data in the array, which makes it difficult to use the function in other code.

To fix these problems, we can use TypeScript generics to create a more flexible and reusable version of the firstItem function:

function firstItem<T>(items: T[]): T {
return items[0];

In this version of the firstItem function, we've added a generic type parameter T (the <T> syntax after the function name). This tells TypeScript that the firstItem function can work with any data type.

The firstItem function now takes an array of items of type T, and it returns a value of type T. This means that the function is type-safe and can be used with any data type.

Here's an example of how to use the firstItem function with different data types:

// Returns the first item in an array of strings
const firstString = firstItem(['hello', 'world']);
// Returns the first item in an array of numbers
const firstNumber = firstItem([1, 2, 3]);
// Returns the first item in an array of objects
const firstObject = firstItem([
{ name: 'Alice' },
{ name: 'Bob' },

In each case, the firstItem function is called with an array of a specific data type, and the returned value has the same data type as the array. This is the power of TypeScript generics: the firstItem function is reusable and can work with any data type, but it is type-safe and provides type checking and type safety when used.

How to Use TypeScript Generics in classes

To create a generic class, you would add a generic type parameter after the class name:

class MyClass<T> {
// Class implementation here

Once you've added a generic type parameter to a component, you can use the generic type T throughout the component to represent the data type that will be specified when the component is used.

For example, consider a generic Item class that has a property for the item **value** and a method for getting that value:

class Item<T> {
constructor(public value: T) {}
getValue(): T {
return this.value;

In this Item class, the value property and the getValue method both use the generic type T to represent the type of the value property. This means that the Item class can work with any data type for the value property, but the type will be specified when the Item class is used.

Here's an example of how to create and use an Item class with different data types:

// Create an Item with a string name
const stringItem = new Item<string>('My string item');
// Get the value
stringItem.getValue(); // "My string item"
// Create an Item with a number name
const numberItem = new Item<number>(123);
// Print the number name
numberItem.getValue(); // 123

In each case, the Item class is created with a specific data type for the value property, and the getValue method works with that data type. This is the power of TypeScript generics: the Item class is reusable and can work with any data type, but it is type-safe and provides type checking and type safety when used.


In this article, we learned what TypeScript generics are and how to use them to create flexible and reusable components. This can help you avoid runtime errors and make your code easier to understand and maintain.

December 09, 2022