Working with the Partial and Required Types in TypeScript

TypeScript is a popular typed superset of JavaScript that allows developers to write safer and more predictable code. One of the features of TypeScript is its utility types, which are types that can be used to add additional type information to existing types. In this article, we will be looking at two of these utility types: Partial and Required.

Partial utility type

The Partial type allows you to make all the properties of a given type optional. This can be useful when you have an object that has a lot of properties, and you only want to specify a few of them when creating an instance of the object. For example, consider the following interface that defines the shape of a user object:

interface User {
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
email: string;
age: number;
address: string;

If you want to create an instance of the User type but only want to specify the firstName and lastName properties, you can use the Partial type to make all the other properties optional:

type PartialUser = Partial<User>;
const user: PartialUser = {
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe"

In this example, the PartialUser type is equivalent to the following type:

type PartialUser = {
firstName?: string;
lastName?: string;
email?: string;
age?: number;
address?: string;

As you can see, the Partial type has added ? to the end of each property in the User type to make them all optional.

Required utility type

The Required type, on the other hand, does the opposite of Partial. It makes all the properties of a given type required. This can be useful when you have an object that has optional properties, but you want to ensure that a certain set of properties is always specified when creating an instance of the object. For example, consider the following type that defines the shape of a login form:

type LoginForm = {
username: string;
password: string;
rememberMe?: boolean;

In this case, the rememberMe property is optional. If you want to make sure that this property is always specified when creating an instance of the LoginForm type, you can use the Required type:

type RequiredLoginForm = Required<LoginForm>;
const loginForm: RequiredLoginForm = {
username: "john.doe",
password: "s3cr3t",
rememberMe: true

In this example, the RequiredLoginForm type is equivalent to the following type:

type RequiredLoginForm = {
username: string;
password: string;
rememberMe: boolean;

As you can see, the Required type has removed the ? from the rememberMe property to make it required.


In summary, the Partial and Required utility types in TypeScript are useful for making the properties of a given type optional or required, respectively. These types can help you create more flexible and predictable code by allowing you to specify the exact set of properties that you want to use in a given situation.

Additionally, the Partial and Required types can be combined with other utility types, such as the Readonly and Pick types, to create even more powerful type definitions. For example, you can use the Pick type to create a new type that only includes a subset of the properties from a given type, and then use the Partial or Required type to make the properties of the new type optional or required.

type UserInfo = Pick<User, "firstName" | "lastName">;
type PartialUserInfo = Partial<UserInfo>;
type RequiredUserInfo = Required<UserInfo>;

In this example, the UserInfo type is equivalent to the following type:

type UserInfo = {
firstName: string;
lastName: string;

The PartialUserInfo type is equivalent to the following type:

type PartialUserInfo = {
firstName?: string;
lastName?: string;

And the RequiredUserInfo type is equivalent to the following type:

type RequiredUserInfo = {
firstName: string;
lastName: string;

As you can see, by combining the Pick, Partial, and Required types, you can create more specific and flexible type definitions that are tailored to your specific needs.

In conclusion, the Partial and Required utility types are powerful tools in the TypeScript developer's toolkit. These types can help you write more flexible and predictable code by allowing you to make the properties of a given type optional or required. By combining these types with other utility types, you can create even more specific and powerful type definitions.

December 08, 2022