What are the common folder structures for React?
There are two common practices for React project file structure.
Grouping by features or routes:
One common way to structure projects is locate CSS, JS, and tests together, grouped by feature or route.
common/├─ Avatar.js├─ Avatar.css├─ APIUtils.js└─ APIUtils.test.jsfeed/├─ index.js├─ Feed.js├─ Feed.css├─ FeedStory.js├─ FeedStory.test.js└─ FeedAPI.jsprofile/├─ index.js├─ Profile.js├─ ProfileHeader.js├─ ProfileHeader.css└─ ProfileAPI.js -
Grouping by file type:
Another popular way to structure projects is to group similar files together.
api/├─ APIUtils.js├─ APIUtils.test.js├─ ProfileAPI.js└─ UserAPI.jscomponents/├─ Avatar.js├─ Avatar.css├─ Feed.js├─ Feed.css├─ FeedStory.js├─ FeedStory.test.js├─ Profile.js├─ ProfileHeader.js└─ ProfileHeader.css
October 10, 2022
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