What is angular CLI?

Angular CLI(Command Line Interface) is a command line interface to scaffold and build angular apps using nodejs style (commonJs) modules. You need to install using below npm command,

npm install @angular/cli@latest

Below are the list of few commands, which will come handy while creating angular projects

  1. Creating New Project: ng new <project-name>

  2. Generating Components, Directives & Services: ng generate/g `` The different types of commands would be,

  • ng generate class my-new-class: add a class to your application
  • ng generate component my-new-component: add a component to your application
  • ng generate directive my-new-directive: add a directive to your application
  • ng generate enum my-new-enum: add an enum to your application
  • ng generate module my-new-module: add a module to your application
  • ng generate pipe my-new-pipe: add a pipe to your application
  • ng generate service my-new-service: add a service to your application
  1. Running the Project: ng serve

September 20, 2022